Friday, May 15, 2009


I am excited to announce that school is OUT FOR THE SUMMER!

But my workload has yet increased. I stared a second job on 5/5 and have been working 45+ hours a week the past two weeks. It's exhausting. I will never understand how people can regularly work 60 hours per week.

Sheesh. I thought I had more to talk about. Oh, here:

I found out today that approximately 30,000 Americans per year experience what is called "Anesthesia Awareness." While they are "under anesthesia" they are somewhat aware of what is going on, ranging from just remembering a few words uttered during surgery to a complete recollection! As in, the patient was completely aware of what was going on while they were being operated on, but they are paralyzed from the anesthesia.

Read one woman's experience here.

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