Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Loving Husband

So, sometime in January Matt said something that was just too funny not to share.

I decided that that happens a lot, so I've started a journal with all of the funny/random/stupid stuff my husband says. I call it "My Loving Husband."

One of my recent favorites is this:

"a book can't be that great unless it's got some crazy psychotic dragon fight in it."

Now, normally I like the feeling better when it's read out of context, but the reason this is a favorite is because of the background story...

There's a book I've been trying to get Matt to read. I read it, and I thought it was right up his ally. So, of course, I've been talking it up. He finally borrowed it from the library, and read the first thirty or so pages. I was, once again, talking it up. He then said the statement quoted above. The reason I thought he would like the book so much? It's got dragons in it. LOL. Furthermore adding to the funny, is the reason he had dragons on his mind: apparently he had a dream the night before that there was a dragon and he was about to be manly and save me when I told him, "It's okay, I got this," and a fireball came from my face and slay the dragon.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Laura, that was hilarious!!! I'm still laughing about it! I think it's an awesome idea that you are writing down the funny things Matt says- I wish my mom had done that with my Dad! Ingenious idea! : )