Thursday, October 23, 2008


I admit it! I'm a sucker for a good hug... I broke down and ended up driving down to South Berwick for less than 24 hours on Tuesday/Wednesday. I left after work, arrived shortly before 6pm, and left SB at 3pm the next day, going straight back to work. It was fun though, we settled my stuff in a little, and then went to see FIREPROOF: Okay, so we're not married, but it was still an awesome movie that any couple could learn from. Matt has the book "The Love Dare," so he tells me, and I'm itching to buy fireproof the book. Like any non-hollywood movie, the acting could have been better, but after about 10 minutes you don't even notice. We're all spoiled if you ask me. All in all, it was an awesome movie that would make any woman with normal tear ducts cry. As I did. It was quite funny though, because although this really is like a chick flick, it's also a "couples" movie, so everyone in the theatre had a partner. Whenever there was a scene that warranted tear flow, you could hear the guy's laughing at their spouses. And the fact that the other guys in the audotorium were laughing only made the guys laugh even harder, because they all knew what the others were laughing about!

After that we got in some long awaited hugs and special matt/laura alone talking time, and I slept, he worked. I now have an air bed rather than the couch to sleep on, and it's so much better on my back, but the heat isn't as warm as it has been previously, and add that with the fact that an airbed doesnt absorb heat and is always cold... Then figure in the fact that I'm a walking icicle and used 2 comforters and a nap blanket all SUMMER (add in a down comforter in the winter)... And you've got me freezing my butt off! Note to self: pack extra blankets! (I only had one that night)

The next day we got my oil changed... ate at pizza hut.... and napped. It was a short, and other than the movie, it was an uneventful trip. But well worth the gas money, in my opinion. I really needed some hugs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you ever need to borrow a blanket...
i'm your girl ;)