Sunday, April 6, 2008

Array of Pictures

Here's some of the latest pictures that were on my camera. I had basically forgotten about them, and they are such a random bunch I figured I would post about them. Why not?

Um. Yeah.

Haha, she was probably coming up real close to me when I snapped this.

Yes, I took a picture of a pizza. If I remember correctly I think it just looked so perfectly round I had to.
Show of your muscles, Macho Man!

If the moon would only stay still, I could take a decent picture.

Yeah, so today was lazy day for Laura. I woke up at about 11 or 12, I don't remember (yes, Bad Laura slept through church...) And I spent the rest of the day working on the Generation Christ website. It needed an update, and its also my final project for my webdesign class, so there were some behind the scene changes that needed to be made. If you look at the website, you will see little to no difference, but there's a good 10 hours I put in today in there.


Amanda said...

Whats is it like to sleep until 11 or 12p? I wish I could remember! Hailey wouldn't even take a nap for me yesterday when I needed one most!

Anonymous said...

aww the bowling pic and the moon pic...
bittersweet memories :]