I got my power back. : ) YAY! I love electricity!
I didn't take any really good pictures of the trees, because my battery died in my camera and I had no way to recharge them, and now its dark, plus a lot of the ice has already melted off of the trees (thank God.)
In other news:
Matt being the pain in the butt that he is got flowers and chocolate delivered to my house even though I told him I only wanted him to read "The Dream Giver" as a gift. They're pretty, and I have some pics of the roses to post:
I haven't read the book "The Five Love Languages," but I can tell that Matt's major love language is giving gifts, so I try not to give him a hard time about it, and try to find ways out of him giving me gifts, such as asking him to read a book, (even though it was the perfect excuse to get him to read it anyway.) and Matt: Don't think that flowers and chocolate is going to get you out of reading "The Dream Giver!"
1 comment:
In the cafe after church Matt was talking to his phone (weirdo lol) and said out loud "Make my phone ring." So, I went over and had Michelle call his phone... I guess it just didn't cut it. :)
Happy Valentines Day. Late :)
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