Saturday, April 12, 2008

Stress and Sickness

For anyone that doesn't want to read a negative blog, I'd stop here.

First of all, Matt's sick. Blah... This is bad in so many ways... his health... missing work.... feeling icky.... and being contagious! He was supposed to come and visit me this weekend, but he isn't anymore because he's sick :'(. And, me being as pathetic as I am, am making the short trip tomorrow morning. All in all, we won't spend more than 25 hours together, and that number includes the time we're sleeping. *sigh.*
Two short weeks, with a long gap in the middle. I feel like my mind has this clock in it, and I just feel like "ok, I should be hanging out with Matt really soon." I say goodbye usually on Mondays, and then see him again either Friday or Saturday, and so Friday I start counting down until I'll be in South Berwick. However, because of Matt's work schedule, I made it an early event last week, because it gave me a few extra hours, and he was going to be working either way. It was an average amount of time, but Matt was sleeping so much it felt like a lot less.
[Matt, I'm writing the following to you as much as I'm just posting another blog]
About Wednesday the alarm clock goes off, its about time to see Matt... Oh wait, he's not coming until Sunday. I've been counting down since Wednesday and now he's sick and there are just some weeks were seeing him is so habit and some weeks where I just miss him and need to see him and this is one of the latter. Augh! my vent. I know, most people who are reading this are probably like "oh my gosh, she's crazy... Doesn't she realize there are starving children in India!" I feel so bad about feeling bad, because I know in retrospect I have it so good, which only makes me more stressful.
Which brings me to the stress part of the title. Sometimes I feel that I look so calm and relaxed all the time I even fool myself... Funny enough, when I have a lot going on I seem to take it better, but now that things have slowed down, my stress has picked up. I'm not going from school to work to school to sleep, rinse, repeat.... but I am OVERLOADED with homework! What do I do?! There just isn't enough time for me to do homework and relax, and I definitely need some down time sometime!! It's getting so bad, sometimes I feel like I'm going to burst out in tears during the middle of a class if I don't understand something. (Almost did that today)
Matt is my excuse to relax.... "I can't do homework, I'm with Matt..." And that is why I'm risking getting sick. Maybe if I get sick it will be an excuse to stay home from work and catch up.

So there. now you know.


Amanda said...

I feel your pain, I really do! If you only knew Tim and I when we were dating I felt alot like you! Somehow Hailey and Tim didn't get my strep and you aren't contagious after 24 hours on antibiotics so hopefully you won't get sick either!

Anonymous said...

aww lou!! your poor thing...if you ever need to talk, i am here for you (like you were for me). maybe we can talk in your car while we follow vans in the walmart parking lot :)

anyway, maybe i'll see you later

love ya lou!! i hope you feel better <3